Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure
This document provides the outline of Texeco’s commitment to a fair and just complaints and appeals process.
Both the procedure for making a complaint or requesting an appeal on decisions made by Texeco are included in this document. The compliance of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 clauses 6.1 to 6.6 are covered in this document.
Texeco learners have a right to lodge a complaint if they are dissatisfied with any action, service or product provided by Texeco.
Texeco will manage and respond to allegations or complaints involving the conduct of:
- Texeco, its trainers, assessors, or other staff
- A third-party providing services on Texeco’s behalf, its trainers, assessors, or other staff or
- A learner of Texeco
Complaints Procedure
The learner is encouraged to approach the staff member involved directly, be it the Trainer, assessor, support services or administrative staff, about the concern they hold. This will be to obtain clarification on the matter of concern.
The following procedure will apply if the student is not satisfied with the response or resolution:
- The learner may lodge a complaint either verbally or in writing directly to the Director at the email address
- Details of the complaint should be clear, and supporting evidence should be provided if possible
- The learner must submit the complaint within 28 days of the allegation occurring
- Texeco will respond, acknowledging the complaint in writing as soon as practicable.
- Texeco Director will arrange to discuss with the complainant and the staff member or learner (if possible).
- If no resolution can be achieved, Texeco will provide the complainant with the details of a professional body that is independent of both parties and offers mediation services.
- Texeco will inform the learner and other parties by written notification of the decision made regarding the complaint within 7 business days of it being determined.
- The reason and outcome of this decision will be outlined in this written notification.
- Texeco will record the complaint in the Complaints and Appeals Register and corrective actions identified in the said complaint process will be documented and implemented via Texeco’s internal Quality management processes.
Texeco will attend to each complaint lodged promptly and fairly, maintaining total confidentiality of all parties involved. Appropriate processes will be followed to ensure the rights of all parties involved are respected.
If a complaint is considered by Texeco to take more than 60 calendar days to process and finalise, Texeco will inform the complainant in writing, providing reasons for the length of time required and will regularly update the complainant of progress made in the matter.
An appeal will usually be made based on an assessment decision or judgment as to whether a learner has achieved or demonstrated competency in any given Unit of Competency.
The learner is encouraged to directly approach the trainer and / or assessor involved in order to obtain clarification on the basis of the assessment decision or judgment.
The following appeals procedure will apply if the student is not satisfied with the response or resolution offered:
- The learner may lodge an appeal either verbally or in writing directly to the Director at the email address
- The Appeal should clearly state the grounds on which the Appeal is based and provide evidence in support of the claim.
- The learner must submit the appeal against the assessment decision within 21 days of the result notification in writing and sign the appeal.
- Details of the Assessment decision that is being appealed must include the relevant assessment criteria or unit of competency the to which appeal relates.
- Texeco will respond by acknowledging the appeal request in writing within 5 business days.
- The Director will discuss the appeal request with the learner and trainer and assessor involved.
- If no resolution can be achieved, Texeco will provide the learner with the details of a professional body that is independent of both parties and offers mediation services. Mediation can then take place to resolve the appeal request.
- Texeco will inform the learner and other parties by written notification of the decision made regarding the appeal request within 7 business days of it being The reason and outcome of this decision will be outlined in this written notification.
- Texeco will record the appeal request in the Complaints and Appeals Register and corrective actions identified in the said assessment judgment and appeals process will be documented and implemented via Texeco’s internal Quality management processes.
Texeco will attend to each appeal lodged promptly and fairly, maintaining full confidentiality of all parties involved. Appropriate processes will be followed to ensure the rights of all parties involved are respected.
If an appeal request is considered by Texeco to take more than 60 calendar days to process and finalise, Texeco will inform the learner in writing, providing reasons for the length of time required and will regularly update the learner on progress made in the matter.
Texeco is committed to:
- Provide guidance to all learners regarding the assessment appeals procedure
- Clarify via the Trainer and assessor any aspects of assessment results where the student requires clarification
- Provide one on one guidance to any learner who requests the opportunity to appeal at the email address